Princ Mamánek
Potopená katedrála
Two Words as the Key
O sláve a tráve
Hrnčiarsky bál
Pro forma...
Výlet do Paríža
Leto na Rovniach
Slávne dievčatko
Pravidlá kruhu
Mezi námi kluky
Chlap prezývaný Brumteles
A fairy-tale about the power of love. The old king Pravoslav feels it is time to entrust the rule over his kingdom to one of his three daughters -...
Salt & Gold
The beautiful, bright and intelligent, but perfectly mischievous Marquise de Mertuil and her charming and equally depraved and ruthless friend, the...
Nebezpečné známosti
Dobrý skutok
Igor a výmyselníci
Čierny gróf
Koncert bez ruží
Krásna Pramíla
Šediny doktora Ondáka
„A“ ako Alžbeta
Neveľká komédia
Ďaleko je do neba
Patálie s kamerou
TV movie "Triptych of love" was created by short stories by famous Slovak writer Ladislava Nádaši - Jégeho. Historical themes in...
Triptych o láske
Lovely overview of traditional Slovak Christmas.
Christmas Wafer
Zimný semester
Maniac, a driver, sits on the track women, which then rape and kill. For loved ones, he is an ordinary person who has a wife and child. When exposed,...
Death of Hitch-Hikers
Takmer božský omyl
Oko za oko
Žakýlska Veronka
Neodchádzaj nocou letnou
Múdra princezná
The comedy based on the novel of Zuzka Zguriška whose story takes place at the Myjavske Kopanice.
Bičianka z doliny
Pan Samochodzik i praskie tajemnice
A film examines the inner worlds of the three protagonists - two women living in solitary seclusion and a man suddenly breaking into their privacy.
Earthly Disturbance
Zlatá panna a prekliaty brat
Výlet do mladosti
Rodinná anamnéza
Listy Juliane
Vták nociar
Drevená figúrka
Vojak a bratove slzy
Čo sa stalo v malom kine
Silvestrovské pranie