Lauri Tilkanen is a talented, promising young actor who finds himself among the final candidates vying for the lead role in a high-concept feature...
The lifelong friendship between the two game developers begins to fray as one longs for nostalgia of her youth, and the other for marriage and a life...
The Worst Idea Ever
A world-weary reality TV host (Alma Pöysti) is given one last chance by her producer. Accompanied by a cynical filming crew, she goes to find...
The Limelight Life
An open-pit mine is unearthed in an idyllic town in Northern Finland. A strange chain of dreadful events affect the life of Pepe, a kind and...
The Woodcutter Story
When carefree, young Lenni and his girlfriend find themselves expecting a child, he ends up looking for a role model in all the wrong places as he...
Stupid Young Heart
Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who's quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn't want to grow up. Varpu lives...
Little Wing
A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track...
Two Bodies on a Beach
Kalervo, a bullied, downtrodden white-collar man whom nobody takes seriously, receives an unexpected gift from Annukka. A gift which Kalervo soon...
All Inclusive
A young Start-up entrepreneur tries to start importing potato to 17th century Finland. The new class of bourgeoisie is emerging and shaking up the...
The Potato Venture
Juha Berg is a 30-year-old hopeless drunk in the Kallio neighborhood of Helsinki. Juha doesn't have the first intention of changing his way of life...
Gloriously Wasted
A celebrity psychiatrist struggles to find a date for a wedding. Her dearest ex is getting married and she needs to find someone fancy enough to hide...
Wedding of the Century
Jane is a travel agent who sells people on adventures, but in her own life, she’s happily settled down with her actor partner, Mikki. Jane...
Sudden Outbursts of Emotions