Living with her tyrannical stepfather in a new home with her pregnant mother, 10-year-old Ofelia feels alone until she explores a decaying labyrinth...
Pan's Labyrinth
Elisa is a twelve-year-old girl who, after her mother’s accidental death, tries to convince her father that she has been gifted the same...
Amazing Elisa
After losing his father in an accident, Edur wakes up in the middle of a nightmare. A certain presence will haunt him with his worst memories.
Under the Ice
Eternal life is getting harder for the undead Tina, who subsists on the transfer of energies accessed during the male orgasm. When her...
A Little Death
Ariadna discovers that her grandfather has been searching for the remains of his father, who disappeared during the Civil War. Determined to help...
The Teacher Who Promised the Sea
After a mysterious force decimates the world’s population, Sebastian must navigate his own survival journey through the desolate streets of...
Bird Box Barcelona
After being implicated in a terrorist attack, Santi, a taxi driver, is taken hostage by one of the perpetrators.
All the Names of God
1 - Dogs: Submissive and obedient animals 2 - Hogs: Dirty and wicked animals
Galicia, northern Spain, January 2, 1921. The steamship Santa Isabel, sailing towards Argentina with more than two hundred emigrants on board, sinks...
The Island of Lies
Victor and Hector prepare to spend the night together after one of them has been diagnosed as carrying the HIV virus. Bodies are intertwined, minds...
Marc long ago decided to confront the trauma that has haunted him for years, but the past is starting to creep back in.